Wednesday 31 October 2012


Happy Halloween everyone! I'm not doing a lot for Halloween. In fact... I'm not doing anything. Tomorrow night is when there's a party at the SU so that's when I'll properly dress up and I'll take pictures and post them on here because apparently I prefer writing this blog than that blog I actually have to write for my Graphic Communication course. Oops! Anyway, here's a preview of what I'll hopefully look like tomorrow...

I followed this tutorial if any of you were wondering. It was quite tricky. First time completely failed and peeled off my face. I find it works better if you cut the toilet paper with scissors so you get a straight edge and it goes onto your face smoothly with PVA, and with the hairdryer, use cold air otherwise it will crinkle. I also got my new Geo Bambi Sesame Grey contacts so I'm going to wear them as well. Kawaii zombie! Happy Halloween! 

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